

A full months worth of clean, healthy delicious meals.

Take a look at a few weeks and see what appeals to you. You will be able to find these items at stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joes and in the natural or organic section of many conventional grocery stores like Kroger & Meijer. Farmers Markets are a great place to get local, more organic, less expensive fruits and veggies in the spring, summer and fall. Check online for local markets, some are open year round. You may want to see if you can join local farmers CSA (Farm Share). 

traditional & vegan

Main Meals

Yes, you can maintain your healthy lifestyle over the holidays or when you are craving dessert! From Healthy Green Bean Casserole to Pumpkin Cups with Coconut Whipped Cream,  we've got you covered!

Dessert & Special Occasion

Special Recipes

You'll be making 1-2 delicious protein shakes or smoothies each day, so variety is important! Whether you're craving refreshing & fruity or  decadent dark chocolate peppermint, we have plenty of options for you to choose from here.

Eating healthy and creating good habits starts early

Protein Shakes

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