Seventh Day of Preparation:
Meal Prep

IMPORTANT: If you haven’t done so already, go back to the Sixth Day of Preparation and Plan, Shop, and Prepare your meals and snacks for the week.

Today is a great day to choose a shake recipe and make your first shake. You will find if you can create a place in your kitchen to keep all of your nutrition products together it will also save you time as you incorporate them into your day.

Get Ready To Change Your Life!
This 30 Days to Healthy Living is just that - 30 days. It's only 30 days. You can do ANYTHING for 30 days! The beauty of this challenge is that if you stick with the program, follow the guidelines, read everything we post, and make the necessary sacrifices and exchanges, you will experience change! There are no shortcuts to health, no magic pills, or healthy fairy godmother.

We are here to encourage you, give you resources and guidelines that have been proven to lead people to a healthier lifestyle, and most importantly, cheer you on! At the end, when you follow the program to the best of your abilities and maintain a positive attitude and mindset, we expect that you will feel better, have more energy, sleep better, lose weight in a healthy way, reduce inflammation, and improve your overall health.This will be the best health investment you’ve ever made. With respect and love for our fellow participants, here’s to you!

If you have questions, concerns, or need anything, please reach out to your Arbonne consultant or this group. We are all here to serve you and help you. Your healthiest self is our greatest desire.

Exchange of Vows
Repeat after us! "I will consistently make time to take care of myself, follow my healthy living plan every single day, look in the mirror and be proud of who I see — no matter where I am on this journey. I will remind myself every day that I am owning my life! I will stay engaged with this group and own my decisions. I promise to take a before and after photo so that I can share my amazing results."

TIP: Have you written out your “Why”? This is your reason for doing this challenge. You can keep your motivation strong when there’s a constant reminder of why you are committing to 30 Days to Healthy Living. Comment in our Facebook group and share your “Why” so we can be accountable for each other.

It’s Picture Day!
Take your “before” photos so you can compare it to your “after” photo at the end of this program. You do NOT need to share these. These are for your eyes only. Keep these tips in mind:

• Wear tight-fitting clothes so you can easily notice any differences in your body.
• Make sure to have great lighting.
• Choose a setting that is convenient  because you’ll want to take your photo in the same spot.
• Take multiple photos of your body from different angles (front, left, right, back).
• Take a photo of your bare face —you’ll want to track changes to your skin as well.
• Remember exactly where and at what time of the day your photo was taken so you can replicate it perfectly when taking your             “after” photos.

◊These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.