Second Day of Preparation:
Healthy Exchanges

Making Healthy Exchanges

We know, we know! THIS is the hard part. These are the things we love, the things we crave! But here’s the deal, everything on the Foods to Avoid list is either allergenic, addictive, inflammatory, high glycemic index, or acidic. Over the next week or so, we’ll give you some science behind some of the bigger ones so you’ll understand why they don’t serve your body. Print out the Foods to Add and Foods to Avoid List and place it on the fridge or carry with you to the grocery store.

The 30 days to Healthy Living program will act as a reset to establishing healthy habits. Prior to getting started, you might be experiencing some periods of digestive discomfort, low energy, and generally not feeling your best. You will work to identify foods and products that may not make you feel great. Arbonne nutrition products serve to support the body’s nutrient needs during this phase. The program will also help support a balanced gut. So much of the body’s overall wellbeing is controlled by our gut, so supporting this area of our body will help optimize how we feel as well as how we look. The program is also designed to help us feel more confident in ourselves. When we are rested and working to reduce feelings of stress, then we are better able to care for ourselves. A positive mindset can also impact our confidence because when you feel good physically and mentally, you look good too!


Repeat after us! I will consistently make time to take care of myself, follow my healthy living plan every single day, look in the mirror and be proud of who I see — no matter where I am on this journey. I will remind myself every day that I am owning my wellbeing including my body, my mind, and my overall appearance! I will stay engaged with this group and own my decisions. TIP: Have you written out your “Why”? This is your reason for doing this challenge. You can keep your motivation strong when there’s a constant reminder of why you are committing to 30 Days to Healthy Living. Share your “Why” with the group so we can be accountable for each other!


◊ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.